Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Why a national search now?

Above: Alderman Q. A. Shakoor II attentively listen to Al Gardner, an outspoken community activist, tell city council members
that the city already have qualified Chief of Police internal candidates. "I encourage each of you to take a close look at this process to protect the city's image and interest," he said at the meeting

The City of Racine wants to do a national search to hire the next Police Chief a switch from how it was previously done. The City of Racine, did not do a national search when the current police chief was selected; the city didn’t do a national search when the current fire chief was selected; and the city did not do a national search when looking to hire the person for the top position in the City of Racine, the City Administrator.

When the current police chief was hired there were only one person in the police department that was said to be qualified and the city Police and Fire Commission decided there was no need to look for at least one other candidate for comparison locally, regionally or nationally.

Now, it is reported that there are two internal qualified candidates; both are minorities and the rules, and the process changes. Why the rules and the process is treated differently at this point is incomprehensible; it is reprehensible truthfully.

It is easy to bend the rules; change the job description, and amend laws and procedures when it benefits what we want and what we like and approve of but when and where we do that (bend the rules, change the job description, amend the laws and procedure) we set precedence and therefore the same rules should apply when the circumstances are reversed.

At a time when unemployment is high in the city and with two qualified internal candidates that have proven leadership, training, high ethics and the educational requirements why spend the money unnecessarily for a national search. Additionally, these two qualified candidates have a proven love and loyalty for the Racine Community. This quality is not something that an outside candidate comes with or necessarily acquires over time.

At the very least before embarking on a national search, why not approach the selection process this way: Why not compare Chief Wahlen’s experience, training and education, prior to him becoming chief, with the two current internal candidates. If nothing more, this will help vet what they are missing and what this city needs in its next police chief and why.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Back Ken!

    Art Howell is perfectly qualified to be Racine's next Police Chief.

    Choosing a qualified internal candidate is not the D & F way of doing business.

    There were 2 internal candidates who were qualified for the Super job of Public Works, remember? Racine will be lucky to keep these 2 people after their blatant disregard for using them and then dumping them.

    You will remember that they did a national search for that position too. Look what that got us?

    So no, Racinians this is not completely about race. The is the D & F way and you voted for them so suck it up! You are going to see this time and again over the next 4 years and what are you going to do about it? N O T H I N G!
